Zazou Endorses

I thought I would provide a partial list of endorsement for the fistful of people who read this blog (an easy excuse to put up a post, anyway :)). These endorsements are both national and state- for the California vote.
Barack Obama
Proposition 8- the wording on the ballot states:

Barack Obama
Proposition 8- the wording on the ballot states:
ELIMINATES RIGHT OF SAME-SEX COUPLES TO MARRY. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Changes the California Constitution to eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry in California. Provides that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. Fiscal Impact: Over next few years, potential revenue loss, mainly sales taxes, totaling in the several tens of millions of dollars, to state and local governments. In the long run, likely little fiscal impact on state and local governments.[26]
NO on Proposition 8
Proposition 2: the voter information states:STANDARDS FOR CONFINING FARM ANIMALS. INITIATIVE STATUTE.
- Requires that calves raised for veal, egg-laying hens and pregnant pigs be confined only in ways that allow these animals to lie down, stand up, fully extend their limbs and turn around freely.
- Exceptions made for transportation, rodeos, fairs, 4-H programs, lawful slaughter, research and veterinary purposes.
- Provides misdemeanor penalties, including a fine not to exceed $1,000 and/or imprisonment in jail for up to 180 days.
YES on Proposition 2
Proposition 4 : the voter information states:
- Changes California Constitution to prohibit abortion for unemancipated minor until 48 hours after physician notifies minor’s parent or legal guardian.
- Permits notification to certain adult relatives if doctor reports parent to law enforcement or Child Protective Services.
- Provides notification exceptions for medical emergency or parental waiver.
- Permits courts to waive notice based on clear and convincing evidence of minor’s maturity or best interests.
- Mandates reporting requirements, including reports from physicians regarding abortions on minors.
- Authorizes damages against physicians for violation.
- Requires minor’s consent to abortion, with exceptions.
NO on Proposition 4 (because of issues regarding abusive guardians and the conditions under which the minor may have become pregnant.)
Whatever your position is, get out there and do this:
November 4
and remember:
if the voting machines fail,
you have the LEGAL right to a printed ballot
and a private voting booth.
Demand this
make your vote
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Hey, are you still around? Hope you're okay and that you come back to blogging some time (and clear the idiotic spam that's starting to pollute the comments).
Hey C.!!!!!
Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'm afraid I got kind of sucked in to facebook- limited braincells, and such.
I tried to delete the above, but an error message came up. I'll have to report it and then we'll see. I've been a baaad blogger. Time to gear up and make some noise, as you say.
Hope you're well!
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Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'm afraid I got kind of sucked in to facebook- limited braincells, and such.
I tried to delete the above, but an error message came up. I'll have to report it and then we'll see. I've been a baaad blogger. Time to gear up and make some noise, as you say.
Hope you're well!
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