A slant by any other name...
Catching up. Ok, I confess, my viewing of the Olympics has been less than stellar. I am not glued to the TV, I don't watch it much, if the games come up while channel surfing, I'll watch. And here's a little secret- the TV isn't on that much. Whew, feels good to get that out in the open.
But, I digress....(really? as M. says, disgressing again?)
Yeah, well.
I'm sorry, love Spain, love my Spanish friends, but as sportsmen, their sports teams are a national shame.
The latest lovely demonstration of Spanish manners was held by not one by several Spanish Olympic teams, including the Women's basketball team.
I don't care if this was for an ad, it's racist, demeaning and disturbing, especially given the racist behavior that occurred during the World Cup in 2004 with several people appearing in blackface to racially jeer Hamilton, a Black British player.
This is just unacceptable no matter who does it.
For a take on how this kind of thing makes people feel, lend an ear to this from NPR:
But, I digress....(really? as M. says, disgressing again?)
Yeah, well.
Here is an Olympic tidbit that managed to catch up with me, which could be called: 

What Were They Thinking?
Oh, yeah, right, they're from Spain.
Oh, yeah, right, they're from Spain.
I'm sorry, love Spain, love my Spanish friends, but as sportsmen, their sports teams are a national shame.
The latest lovely demonstration of Spanish manners was held by not one by several Spanish Olympic teams, including the Women's basketball team.
I don't care if this was for an ad, it's racist, demeaning and disturbing, especially given the racist behavior that occurred during the World Cup in 2004 with several people appearing in blackface to racially jeer Hamilton, a Black British player.
This is just unacceptable no matter who does it.
For a take on how this kind of thing makes people feel, lend an ear to this from NPR:
India Turns 61

Midnight's Children are collectively 61 today. Things economically are looking quite good for India as it sits, poised to be a major player over the next 10 years.
To celebrate tonight, watch
Who let
Did you
miss the Cold War?
Somebody must have because it's back! In all its nasty glory with Georgia slogging on South Ossetia, Russia slogging on Georgia. And the US- whoa, was that Dick Cheney come out with his Cheshire Cat grin, suggesting we should take sides?
All this diversion to take our minds off Iraq, the coming war with Iran and hide some offensive behavior going on somewhere.
Have a high ball. Hell, have two. Just don't let Disk Cheney stir it for you.
Somebody must have because it's back! In all its nasty glory with Georgia slogging on South Ossetia, Russia slogging on Georgia. And the US- whoa, was that Dick Cheney come out with his Cheshire Cat grin, suggesting we should take sides?
All this diversion to take our minds off Iraq, the coming war with Iran and hide some offensive behavior going on somewhere.
Have a high ball. Hell, have two. Just don't let Disk Cheney stir it for you.
Wonderful column
from the Independent on Mahmoud Darwish:
Mahmoud Darwish, however, did not come from a country which swapped communist oppression for blatant capitalist excess. He came from Palestine, or what would be Palestine if the state were allowed to exist. At the age of 12, he was invited to write a poem for Israel's Independence Day and wrote one contrasting the experience of living in Israel of an Arab and a Jew. He was summoned to the military governor, who told him that if he continued to write such subversive material, his family would suffer. From that point on, he never stopped.
R.I.P. Mahmoud Darwish
The incredible Palestinian poet and writer
Mahmoud Darwish, has died at the age of 67.
I first encountered his poetry while in Paris:
Mahmoud Darwish, has died at the age of 67.
I first encountered his poetry while in Paris:
- Record!
- I am an Arab
- And my identity card is number fifty thousand
- I have eight children
- And the nineth is coming after a summer
- Will you be angry?
- Record!
- I am an Arab
- Employed with fellow workers at a quarry
- I have eight children
- I get them bread
- Garments and books
- from the rocks..
- I do not supplicate charity at your doors
- Nor do I belittle myself at the footsteps of your chamber
- So will you be angry?
- Record!
- I am an Arab
- I have a name without a title
- Patient in a country
- Where people are enraged
- My roots
- Were entrenched before the birth of time
- And before the opening of the eras
- Before the pines, and the olive trees
- And before the grass grew
- My father.. descends from the family of the plow
- Not from a privileged class
- And my grandfather..was a farmer
- Neither well-bred, nor well-born!
- Teaches me the pride of the sun
- Before teaching me how to read
- And my house is like a watchman's hut
- Made of branches and cane
- Are you satisfied with my status?
- I have a name without a title!
- Record!
- I am an Arab
- You have stolen the orchards of my ancestors
- And the land which I cultivated
- Along with my children
- And you left nothing for us
- Except for these rocks..
- So will the State take them
- As it has been said?!
- Therefore!
- Record on the top of the first page:
- I do not hate poeple
- Nor do I encroach
- But if I become hungry
- The usurper's flesh will be my food
- Beware..
- Beware..
- Of my hunger
- And my anger!