Cool new show!
Before Harmony: Moroccan Womens Song Project (photo by Amanda Koster)
Amanda Koster has an amazing new show opening in Seattle this weekend (lucky you guys!)
Before Harmony: Moroccan Womens Song Project:
Amanda Koster has an amazing new show opening in Seattle this weekend (lucky you guys!)
Before Harmony: Moroccan Womens Song Project:
Before Harmony: Moroccan Women’s Song Project, a collaboration with Spirit of Fès and photographer Amanda Koster, preserves traditions of Moroccan women vocal artists. The photographs were made while Spirit of Fès produced audio recordings for a CD of the musicians. The images illustrate the musicians performing and also portraits, prerparing to sing. Through exhibition (see page: exhibition plan), the project creates a forum for dialogue and exploration. Have a look at the project's websiteInfo on the reception:
If you like what you see, check out the website. Amanda is trying to transfer some of the pictures to photosilk- an expensive process. Let her know if you can toss a little flous her way.
Neighborhood Cafe (Ballard) Sunday, February 18, 7-10pm. 1418 NW 70th St Seattle, WA 98117 206-784-9404