Friday, September 22, 2006  

Detainee 1009 goes home

Arrested in early 2003, Nasrat - or "detainee 1009" as he was officially known - always insisted he was innocent. But recently his hopes started to slide and he feared dying far from his home in the mountains of easternAfghanistan.

Haji Nasrat Khan, perhaps 78, perhaps 79, he is not sure, has finally been released from Guantanamo. This frail, almost blind, infirm man is one of those BushCO told us were the most dangerous, vicious evil doers on the face of the earth. Some in Guantanamo may be, but this is an example of what happens when paranoia guides a policy that cannot tell friend from for and has no intelligent mechanism in place for understanding the terrain (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq) in which it is operating.

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