Sunday, July 23, 2006  

Silent Rally in Support of Palestinian and Lebanese- LA /Today(Sunday,, July 23)

Passing this along:

Silent Rally in Solidarity with the Palestinian and Lebanese People

WHAT: Rally on behalf of those who have been silenced as a result of the illegal actions of Israel.

Counter the propaganda of those who would lead you to believe it is permissible to kill innocent women and children, to bomb homes, to demolish dreams...

WHEN: Sunday, July 23rd at 3:30 p.m.

WHERE: Southwest corner of the San Vicente / Wilshire intersection, one block west of 6505 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles

The Israeli Consulate and the pro-Israel organizations will be rallying in support of Israel along with the Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

We need to be out there with a counter protest, condemning Israel's brutal attacks on Lebanon and Palestine. This protest will be huge – so, we need everyone's support. Bring posters and tell everyone you know. We need to show up in numbers.

CONTACT: For more information, contact Amir Mertaban or call (909) 395-7810.

The rally has been sponsered by MSA West, the International Socialist Organization, and Women in Black.

Carpools [please RSVP by Sunday morning]:

Inland Empire:
Meet at Cal Poly Pomona at 3 p.m.
Sarah Al-Habib - or (909) 239-6858
Amir Mertaban - or (909) 395-7810

Los Angeles:
Meet at the site at 3:30 p.m.
Sabiha Ameen - or (310) 483-3345

Orange County:
Meet at the Islamic Center of Irvine at 2 p.m.
Omar Kurdi - or (714) 293-8337
Huda Shaka - or (949) 933-8982


Southern California
2180 W. Crescent Ave., Suite F
Anaheim, CA 92801
Tel: (714) 776-1847
Fax: (714) 776-8340
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