Friday, July 28, 2006  

Local Announcement:

This happening SUNDAY
in San Diego, CA ilent Candlelight Vigil in Solidarity with the Suffering of
the Lebanese & Middle-Eastern Civilians

What: Standing on behalf of the innocent killed and those
suffering from the consequences of war

Why: Because we cannot support the taking of innocent human life,
because it crosses a moral boundary that our society needs to respect

When: Sunday, July 30th at 7:00pm - 8:00pm

Where: Balboa Park, Lawn on Park Blvd and Presidents Way

San Diegans are organizing a silent vigil in solidarity with the suffering of the Lebanese and Middle-Eastern civilians. In attendance will be over 500 San Diegans, including some that have recently evacuated Beirut, where the humanitarian situation defies all imagination.

We, as human beings, feel that this tragedy is not acceptable and cannot be excused by any political motives. This vigil is organized to raise awareness in the San Diego community and show our disapproval of the massacre of civilians and the destruction of their infrastructure. We are calling for an immediate cease-fire to halt any further loss of life. This vigil is non-partisan, all-faith demonstration. Our focus is to keep the event solemn and respectful.

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