Thursday, July 27, 2006  

And now, for a brief report...

Rather brief, actually. Very sorry but it's late. I'm tired, and I have students to torture tomorrow so you will just have to wait. But you can have this:

Hundreds Attend Teach-In
(San Diego) At least two hundred people came to a teach-in on the currect situation in Palestine and Lebanon, held at the Four Points Hotel. The featured panel included a well-known Arab-American artist, the director of the Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies at San Diego State, as well as several internationally known lawyers. The panel spoke on a variety of issues, including a brief run-down on the origins of Hamas and Hezbollah, teh need for diplomatic approaches, how Iraq plays into the equation and the rules of international law and war crimes in relation to the actions of Hamas, Hezbollah and Israel. After the presentation, members of the audience asked questions and a video compilation of news reporting from stations local to the Middle East was shown.

Details in a later post.

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