Monday, June 26, 2006  

Pardon me, have you

seen my head?
This screamingly funny article on Phillip K. Dick -android (of course), his maker, and a missing head:
The robot, Mr. Hanson said, referring to the author by his initials, "realizes science fiction, it transitions it from fiction to reality, to some extent."

"It implies that transition," he continued. "And it's supposed to provoke one to consider issues that P.K.D. was considering."

However satisfying to those with a sense of irony, Mr. Hanson is not comforted by the idea of his homage to Mr. Dick on a jaunt somewhere or, more likely, stuck in storage.

"It's almost like it has some free spirit to it," he said. "A lot of people have said that it's almost like a P.K.D. narrative, like one of those absurd twists that would occur in a P.K.D. novel. But emotionally it doesn't feel that way to me."
The rest.
And if you have seen Phillip K. Dick- the android's head, please return it to Mr. Hanson, he's feeling a bit bereft.

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