Wednesday, June 07, 2006  

Bilbray wins...unfortunately

The San Diego Union Tribune has reported that Republican Brian Bilbray handily beat Democrat Francine Busby in the emergency election to replace former Congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham (50th congressional district of California)- he of the bribes and peddling influence scandal which included antiques for non-bid contracts in Iraq.

Bilbray, once Congressman of District 49, was most recently a lobbyist himself who is said to have used his connections as a former congressman to lobby for his clients.

In a campaign marred by xenophobia and nasty negative ads, Bilbray also garnered the support of Cheney and Bush who left recorded phone messages on the answering machines of district voters.

A note to the 50th District: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?

You had luke-warm choices at best, but you had a chance to throw a spoke in the wheel of the juggernaut which is steamrolling over us. And whom do you elect? A former lobbyist who is more polished than the Dukester and right in line with Cheney and Bush. So, if we go invade someone else, I am personally holding you all responsible.
You deserve what you are going to get: a self-centered, xenophobic parrot who puts the Bush administration's interests above yours.
Good Luck and thanks for screwing over the whole San Diego region.

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