Monday, May 29, 2006  

Haditha Coverage

Coverage about Haditha: This from the Washington Post of testimony by survivors.It says someof the Camp Pendelton marines who were involved are in the brig. Already the spin from the military seems to be the insurgency made them do it but take a close look at the description of the victims who range from 3 years old to an elderly man in a wheelchair. And This from Tony Perry of the LA Times which includes an interview with someone from the "clean-up crew" from Camp Pendleton unit — Kilo Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division.

You will need to register (free) with the new York Times to read the article.

Another element of the story at NPR which talks about the pall over the feneral arrangements for Marine Lance Cpl. Miguel Terrazas, Jr. whose death sparked the rampage. It is a shame that the Terrazas family cannot mourn his death without having it associated with this attrocity.

Several outlets, including Al Jazeera are comparing Haditha with Mai Lai. Included in the Al Jazeera story is a press release from the United for Peace and Justice Organization.

An excellent reprint from Editor and Publisher of an article on Marine morale written prior to Haditha.

More analysis by Time Magazine

And still no letters to the Editor in the San Diego Union Tribune about Haditha. And this from the region where Camp Pendleton is located.

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